6th & 7th Grade

Shaare Emeth Religious School’s 6th & 7th Grade Program

B’Mitzvah Academy (BMA)

Our 6th and 7th graders are at a critical moment of transition, taking on the responsibility of becoming b’mitzvah.* Developmentally, they are questioning who they are and their place in the world. Our program strives to ask relevant Jewish question and engage them in dialogue as they work towards this meaningful milestone.

Our BMA experience provides a cohort-based program for our middle school teen learners, culminating with the B’Mitzvah service. With Rabbi Levine and Cantor Warner at the helm, BMA is an integrated, two-year program for 6th and 7th Grades as they prepare to become b’mitzvah at Shaare Emeth. With our incredible faculty and fabulous clergy teaching these students, our young teen learners will work on their Hebrew learning, study Jewish values, share this special time with friends, and more!

*We are proud to share that we have adopted the term B’Mitzvah into our language describing the process and programming for this important lifecycle event. This is a gender-inclusive term that allows us to include and affirm the full spectrum of our community in the way we talk about our students. Every learner will have the chance as a part of their preparations to choose the language for their ceremony that works best for them (i.e. bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, b’mitzvah, b’nei mitzvah, and more). 

Year One: 6th Grade

In 6th Grade, all students attend 2x a week, every week.

  • Sunday Morning Religious School (9–11 a.m.)
  • BMA MIDWEEK (4:15–6 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday)

6th Graders immerse themselves in deep, consistent learning time focused on sharpening Hebrew skills and getting up to speed on the prayers our learners need to know for the B’Mitzvah service. On Sunday mornings, they participate in a curriculum that provides age-appropriate, multi-faceted learning about the Holocaust from a Jewish perspective.

This is usually the first significant introduction our learners have to the events of the Holocaust, and we want them to be grounded in the facts, stories, and meaning of this tragic part of our people’s history. On both days, they have opportunities to build relationships with peers and start engaging with our clergy as the begin their formal b’mitzvah learning at BMA. 

Year Two: 7th Grade

Students attend BMA once a week during MIDWEEK (4:15–6 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday).

7th Graders dive into their preparations for b’mitzvah during their weekly sessions. Each meeting consists of small group, intensive Hebrew learning focused on preparing for their ceremony. These groups have the opportunity to learn from our amazing Hebrew faculty and experience Cantor Seth’s mentorship and personal support.

The Judaics learning happens alongside their 6th Grade peers, where they have a chance to focus on big questions about the meaning of b’mitzvah, expectations of teen life, and exploring what Jewish values, ideas, and stories might mean to them at this critical time of transition and growth.

6th and 7th Grade BMA Family Education Programs

Throughout the school year, our parents/guardians are invited into this process of b’mitzvah by participating in a series of curated, high-impact family learning experiences. Becoming a teen is hard for preteens and for their parents, especially today, with current realities heightening the transition to this new stage of life. To support families when they most need support and while they are engaged in Jewish life, leading up to the b’mitzvah, we bring our class cohort together and invite our adolescents and their parents into conversation with one another. We are excited to be partners of Moving Traditions, using their nationally recognized curriculum and approach to preteen Jewish family education. These experiences seek to inspire connection to Jewish community by centering on human development and the parent-child relationship. All family programs are a required part of our BMA experience.

What happens after my child’s b’mitzvah?

We help you take the next steps on your journey in Part II of BMA! Our BMA II experience includes weekly programming, with opportunities for our participants to learn about the wider Shaare Emeth community and explore ways they can stay connected. These sessions include speakers, service projects, social and emotional learning, and memorable discussions with friends. We hope that by the end of BMA II our participants feel prepared to continue into 8th grade in our religious school and find new ways of connecting with Jewish life.


Debbie & Mike Lefton

2024 Harris Frank Community Service Award Honorees

Debbie and Michael Lefton have been dedicated members of the Shaare Emeth community and the broader St. Louis Jewish community for many years, contributing their time and talents in numerous ways.

Debbie has been a member of Shaare Emeth since the 5th grade, attending Sunday School and confirmation. Debbie and Mike have been married for 27 years and became family members of  Shaare Emeth in 1996. Their children Sydney, and Jacob, both attend Shirlee Green Preschool, celebrated their b’not mitzvah, and attended Shaare Emeth Camps. Debbie and Mike have been actively involved in various committees at Shaare Emeth throughout the years; Debbie serving as the President of the Shirlee Green Preschool and Mike serving on the Board of Trustees and the Operating Committee for 12 years including President of our congregation.

Their commitment to education and community service extends beyond Shaare Emeth. They are true examples of community service heroes. In 2019 the Lefton Family received the American Jewish Committee Netzach Award and in 2022, Debbie and Mike were honored with the JProStL Community Leader Partnership Award.

After graduating from the University of Missouri-Columbia with a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Life Services, she worked as a Child Life Specialist at Wyler Children’s Hospital in Chicago and St. Louis Children’s Hospital for 12 years. She then earned a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Services from Washington University.

At the St. Louis Jewish Community Center, Debbie has chaired several committees, including the Children’s Activity Center, the Camp Sabra Alumni Committee, and the Mission Task Force Committee. She has also co-chaired the Jewish Book Festival Women’s Event, the St. Louis Maccabi Games Closing Ceremonies and has served on the  J Associates Board for 16 years, completing a term as President in 2022. Currently, Debbie serves as an Officer on the Executive Committee at the JCC and is Co-Chairing the Fox Building Capital Campaign. Debbie received the St. Louis Jewish Community Center Richard S. Weiss Past Presidents Award in 2018.

Debbie’s involvement in the St. Louis Jewish Federation includes serving on the Board of CAJE and Women’s Philanthropy and recently began an 8-year term on the National Jewish Federations Women’s Philanthropy Board. Debbie served on the Camp Rainbow Board of Directors and 28 years. Currently, Debbie is a board member of The St. Louis Jewish Light and The St. Louis Children’s Hospital Friends Board.  Debbie received the MAC Women of Distinction honor in 2023.

Michael holds a BS in Business Administration from the University of Missouri-Columbia and an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. Michael began his career with Metal Exchange in 1984 and now serves as Executive Chairman. Under his leadership, Metal Exchange has grown into a global enterprise with a strong international presence, including offices in Zurich and Shanghai. The company’s diverse operations include manufacturing, marketing, trading, metal processing, distribution, and transportation of nonferrous metals.

Mike’s commitment to community service is evident through his current roles as Board President of Variety the Children’s Charity of St. Louis and Regional President of the American Jewish Committee – St. Louis. Mike served as President of the St. Louis Men’s Group Against Cancer for seven years and is Immediate Past President. Mike received the Presidential Citation Award from Variety the Children’s Charity international in 2019.

Additionally, Mike currently serves on several boards, including Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri, National Council of Jewish Women Advisory Council, Jewish Federation Professional Society Leadership Advisory Council, and Heat-Up/Cool Down St. Louis.

Debbie and Mike reside in St. Louis and are the proud parents of two adult children, Sydney 26, who lives in Tel Aviv, and Jacob 24, who resides in Cincinnati. The Lefton family are avid hockey fans, enjoy theatre, traveling and spending time in Colorado.

The Shaare Emeth community is honored to celebrate Debbie and Michael Lefton for their unwavering dedication and impactful contributions to our community and beyond.

Winter Weather: January 14, 2024

Religious School Canceled

Due to the predicted weather forecast for Sunday, January 14, all Sunday Religious School programming has been canceled. We appreciate your understanding and support. The temple offices and our religious school will reopen on Tuesday, after the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday.