
Ma Nishtana? Why Is This Passover Different from All Others?

Resources to Bring to Your Seder This Year Acknowledging the Way the World Has Changed Since October 7th

Traditionally, Passover is a time for family and friends to gather together to retell the story of our people’s liberation and redemption. This year, Passover’s themes will be sitting differently with each of us. Below you can find resources to bring to your Passover table to express concerns, fears, and hopes as we continue to pray for peace in our broken world.

We encourage everyone to gather together this year with curious minds, open hearts, and ears attuned to all the varied voices around our tables. Chag Pesach Sameach.

Supplemental prayers, poems, songs, and meditations from the Central Conference of American Rabbis

Seven easy-to-implement ideas for families with children from Kveller

Human-rights focused, thought-provoking questions and texts from Truah

A Haggadah for This Time from the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism

Ways to include the Israel-Gaza war from New Israel Fund Australia 

More Passover Resources

Seder Plate Ideas

Below you’ll find links to different Haggadot! Find one that fits with your family’s approach to Passover and the Seder.

Shaaring Our Story: A Community 2nd Night Seder

Tuesday, April 23 at 5:30 p.m.

What makes Shaare Emeth’s Community 2nd Night Seder different from all of the other community 2nd night seders?

  1. It starts with the people – at the front of the room and around the tables. Our seder will be led by Rabbi Andrea Goldstein, Cantor Seth Warner, and Lucy Greenbaum, and is truly intergenerational. Sit with your family or dearest friends or we’ll thoughtfully arrange your table for you to meet someone new.
  2. It’s a feast for your senses – our gourmet Passover meal is expertly crafted by Papa Mark Catering, delighting your taste buds and smelling divine (vegetarian options available). You’ll hear curated readings from traditional and modern haggadot, the beautiful singing voices of Lucy Greenbaum, Cantor Warner, and members of Shir Emeth Youth Choir!
  3. It’s just right for kids but geared toward everyone – our seder won’t be too long, but it’s also not too short. We plan to serve the meal around 6:30 and Debbie Bram will lead activities for the children throughout the seder to keep them engaged. All children in attendance can take part in the Afikomen Challenge and will leave with Passover goodies (frogs on their heads, perhaps).
  4. We’re weaving in Israel and Tzedek (justice) components.


  • $45/adult members • $50/adult non-members (ages 10+)
  • $25/child members • $30/child non-members (ages 3-10)
  • No charge for children under age 3
  • Financial assistance for members is available; email Craig Neuman, Executive Director

To inquire about attending, please contact Debbie Bram.

About Passover

April 22-30, 2024

Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) is a major Jewish spring festival celebrating freedom and family as we remember the Exodus from Egypt more than 3,000 years ago. The main observances of this holiday center around a special home service called the seder, which includes a festive meal, the prohibition on eating chametz, and the eating of matzah. Click here to learn more.


Debbie & Mike Lefton

2024 Harris Frank Community Service Award Honorees

Debbie and Michael Lefton have been dedicated members of the Shaare Emeth community and the broader St. Louis Jewish community for many years, contributing their time and talents in numerous ways.

Debbie has been a member of Shaare Emeth since the 5th grade, attending Sunday School and confirmation. Debbie and Mike have been married for 27 years and became family members of  Shaare Emeth in 1996. Their children Sydney, and Jacob, both attend Shirlee Green Preschool, celebrated their b’not mitzvah, and attended Shaare Emeth Camps. Debbie and Mike have been actively involved in various committees at Shaare Emeth throughout the years; Debbie serving as the President of the Shirlee Green Preschool and Mike serving on the Board of Trustees and the Operating Committee for 12 years including President of our congregation.

Their commitment to education and community service extends beyond Shaare Emeth. They are true examples of community service heroes. In 2019 the Lefton Family received the American Jewish Committee Netzach Award and in 2022, Debbie and Mike were honored with the JProStL Community Leader Partnership Award.

After graduating from the University of Missouri-Columbia with a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Life Services, she worked as a Child Life Specialist at Wyler Children’s Hospital in Chicago and St. Louis Children’s Hospital for 12 years. She then earned a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Services from Washington University.

At the St. Louis Jewish Community Center, Debbie has chaired several committees, including the Children’s Activity Center, the Camp Sabra Alumni Committee, and the Mission Task Force Committee. She has also co-chaired the Jewish Book Festival Women’s Event, the St. Louis Maccabi Games Closing Ceremonies and has served on the  J Associates Board for 16 years, completing a term as President in 2022. Currently, Debbie serves as an Officer on the Executive Committee at the JCC and is Co-Chairing the Fox Building Capital Campaign. Debbie received the St. Louis Jewish Community Center Richard S. Weiss Past Presidents Award in 2018.

Debbie’s involvement in the St. Louis Jewish Federation includes serving on the Board of CAJE and Women’s Philanthropy and recently began an 8-year term on the National Jewish Federations Women’s Philanthropy Board. Debbie served on the Camp Rainbow Board of Directors and 28 years. Currently, Debbie is a board member of The St. Louis Jewish Light and The St. Louis Children’s Hospital Friends Board.  Debbie received the MAC Women of Distinction honor in 2023.

Michael holds a BS in Business Administration from the University of Missouri-Columbia and an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. Michael began his career with Metal Exchange in 1984 and now serves as Executive Chairman. Under his leadership, Metal Exchange has grown into a global enterprise with a strong international presence, including offices in Zurich and Shanghai. The company’s diverse operations include manufacturing, marketing, trading, metal processing, distribution, and transportation of nonferrous metals.

Mike’s commitment to community service is evident through his current roles as Board President of Variety the Children’s Charity of St. Louis and Regional President of the American Jewish Committee – St. Louis. Mike served as President of the St. Louis Men’s Group Against Cancer for seven years and is Immediate Past President. Mike received the Presidential Citation Award from Variety the Children’s Charity international in 2019.

Additionally, Mike currently serves on several boards, including Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri, National Council of Jewish Women Advisory Council, Jewish Federation Professional Society Leadership Advisory Council, and Heat-Up/Cool Down St. Louis.

Debbie and Mike reside in St. Louis and are the proud parents of two adult children, Sydney 26, who lives in Tel Aviv, and Jacob 24, who resides in Cincinnati. The Lefton family are avid hockey fans, enjoy theatre, traveling and spending time in Colorado.

The Shaare Emeth community is honored to celebrate Debbie and Michael Lefton for their unwavering dedication and impactful contributions to our community and beyond.