Elul Opportunities

Elul Opportunities at Congregation Shaare Emeth

During Elul, the Hebrew month leading up to the High Holidays, we hope to provide you with a variety of opportunities to reconnect to your Judaism, whether it be through Torah (study), Avodah (worship), or Gemilut Chasadim (acts of loving kindness).

Special Elul Torah Study:
Preparing for the Days of Awe

Saturdays, 9 a.m. Nosh ā€¢ 9:30 a.m. Study Begins
August 19 & 26; September 2 & 9

Our morning begins with a breakfast nosh at 9 a.m. in the North Lobby. Connect with friends, meet new people, and enjoy coffees, teas, and light breakfast snacks. At 9:30 a.m., join members of the clergy every Shabbat morning of Elul for a special study session focusing on the traditions, texts, and liturgy of the High Holy Days. No prior learning is necessary and no registration is required. All are welcome.

Making Mensches: Rosh Hashanah Edition

Wednesday, September 6 at 5:45 p.m.

Bring your children or grandchildren to engage in the Jewish value of gemilut chasadim by putting together Rosh Hashanah bags for our homebound seniors and those in senior living facilities. These bags let our seniors know how much we care and think about them at the New Year. Pizza dinner will be served. This program is suitable for children ages 5 and older with adult participation.

RSVP is required by September 1:

Intergenerational Rosh Hashanah Challah Bake

Sunday, September 10 at 11 a.m.

Join us for this fun, intergenerational program! Make one challah to take with you and one challah that will go in our Rosh Hashanah Caring Bags for our seniors. A light lunch will be served while the challah is baking. Gluten-free dough will be available. The cost for this event is $18 per household.

RSVP is required by September 5:

Shaare-ing Sweetness with Seniors at Rosh Hashanah

Week of September 11

Each year our Caring Committee shares the sweet New Year with our homebound seniors and those in senior living facilities with a holiday bag. You can participate this year in Shaare-ing the sweetness by visiting with the senior when you deliver the bag. Bags will be ready for delivery the week of September 11. Take a friend or grandchild with you to visit the senior or go as a family. E-mail Debbie Bram with any questions at DBram@sestl.org.

Please register by September 6:

Winter Weather: January 14, 2024

Religious School Canceled

Due to the predicted weather forecast for Sunday, January 14, all Sunday Religious School programming has been canceled. We appreciate your understanding and support. The temple offices and our religious school will reopen on Tuesday, after the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday.